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Admissions Process

Step 1: Apply 

Please click the button below to apply. Once the application form is submitted our admissions team will reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss the next steps. You can also reach out to us via email or phone. 

Step 2: Documentation

If you wish to proceed with your child’s admissions at the Royal SCITS Academy, please submit a copy of your child's previous transcript, report cards and any awards or certificates they may have received. You can either drop the items at the school or you can email them to The documentation will be reviewed within 1 business day. An admissions officer will then contact to you to schedule an in person meeting as well as an admissions entry test for your child. 


Step 3: Entry Level Testing & Interview

RSA strives to maintain a culture based on its 3 pillars. All potential students are required to sit for an interview with our admissions officer as well as conduct a short placement test. RSA conducts this interview and testing to ensure that all students (present and future) are aligned for success. Should a student have a successful interview and test result they will then be granted an admissions approval letter. 

Step 4: Acceptance Letter & Registration

From the date of the testing, it will take our admissions team 2 business days to determine if your child is eligible to attend RSA. Should your child be accepted, an official acceptance letter will be emailed to you and an admissions officer will contact you to complete the registration process as well as go over the different payment plans for tuition. 

Step 5: Tuition Payment 

Now that you have completed the registration process you will be required to make the payment for your child's tuition. Your enrolment officer will have gone over the different options RSA provides. Once payment is made an orientation date will be set up for you and your child. 

 Step 6: Orientation 

RSA wants to ensure that your child has a smooth transition into the campus. All students/parents are required to attend an orientation meeting to go over the facilities as well as answer any questions that you or your child may have. 

Step 7: School Begins in September

RSA classes will begin on September 3rd, 2024. Parents will be invited to attend the first half of the day to ensure that their child is comfortable. 


All of RSA'S forms are available for download. We recommend that you read these forms prior to the enrolment process. All local students/parents will have the option to fill out the forms in our office with our admissions officer. Our admissions officer will be available to assist with the enrolment process.

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